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121-140 of 205 Reports

Taxi Drivers Strike in Baoshan City, Yunnan Province 0 Verified

00:00 Jul 05, 2009

From Xinhua: 新华网云南频道7月7日电(记者刘娟)因对天然气加气站供气能力不满,云南省保山市城区上百辆出租车从5日晚开始罢运,罢运车辆接顺序序停放在城区保岫东路与320国道交叉十字路口,截至6日晚21时30分记者发稿时,在地方党委政府承诺启动新加气站后,罢运车辆陆续撤离。... More Information » « Less Information

Baoshan City, Yunnan Province

Taxi Strike in Xining 0 Verified

13:38 Jun 13, 2009

From CLB: Disturbing news of how a taxi strike was handled in Xining - involving the arrest of eleven people, which brought out the proliferation... More Information » « Less Information

xining qinghai china

Taxi Drivers Strike in Chenzhou, Hunan Province 0 Verified

00:00 Jun 04, 2009

From Xinhua via 新华网湖南频道郴州6月5日报道,(记者段羡菊、杨舒怡)5日下午,记者在湖南省郴州市街头看到,许多出租车在正常营运。据郴州市政府介绍,经市委、市政府全力疏导,到5日下午,郴州市区近千名出租车中,三分之二以上恢复营运,出租车司机聚集罢运事件基本平息。... More Information » « Less Information

Chenzhou City, Hunan Province

Taxi Drivers Strike in Qingdao, Shandong Province 0 Verified

00:00 Jun 01, 2009

From Xinjing Bao via 从6月1日起,青岛市经济技术开发区200多辆出租车停运已4天。昨日下午,青岛市交通局运管处一工作人员表示,经过他们努力,部分司机已恢复营运。 路上几乎看不到出租车 当地市民说,最近几天,开发区的路上几乎看不到出租车,“上午有100多辆车集中停在开发区世贸商城的广场上。”... More Information » « Less Information

Economic Development Zone ofTsingtao City, Shandong Province

Taxi Drivers Strike Songming County of Kunming City, Yunnan Province 0 Verified

00:00 Apr 21, 2009

From Yunnan Wang via 我们都吃不饱饭,他们还要增加50辆,现在大家全都把车开到运管分局,集体停运了。”昨天,昆明市嵩明县出租车司机向本报反映,当天记者在嵩明县公路运输管理分局(下称运管分局)楼下看到,操场上已停了50多辆出租车。而在县城街头,却看不到一辆载客的出租车。... More Information » « Less Information

Songming County, Yunnan Province

Taxi Drivers Strike in Yueyang City, Hunan Province 0 Verified

00:00 Apr 10, 2009

From Xinhua via 12日,湖南岳阳市部分出租车司机因不满产值过高和营运环境恶劣,继续进行集体罢运,11人已被当地公安机关拘留。 地处湘北的岳阳市,目前共有出租车公司十多家,管理着1600多台出租车,从事出租业务的司机约3000人。按照出租车公司与司机之间的协议,司机每月必须向公司交纳约六千元不等的产值(即“份钱”)... More Information » « Less Information

Yueyang City, Hunan Province

Disabled Pedicab Drivers Protest in Anji County, Zhejiang Province 0 Unverified

00:00 Mar 18, 2009

From Boxun: 昨天下午(2009-3-18),民生观察接志愿者消息获悉浙江省安吉县发生残疾车主堵路抗议事件,当我们联系当地人士时,由于警方正在抓人,当事人不愿多讲。今天上午,我们联系上了安吉县残残人联合会的陈主任,陈主任向我们介绍了相关情况及残联为此采取的种种措施。... More Information » « Less Information

Anji County, Zhejiang Province

Taxi Drivers Strike in Tongren, Qinghai Province 0 Verified

00:00 Feb 15, 2009

From Xinhua via 新华网青海同仁2月16日电(记者任晓刚)在当地政府主管部门作出严厉打击“黑车”的承诺以后,2月16日,发生在青海省黄南藏族自治州同仁县的罢运出租车恢复了正常运营。 2月15日,同仁县近百辆出租车因不满当地“黑车”猖獗而罢运。事发以后,同仁县交通、公安等主管部门迅速开始了查处“黑车”行动。... More Information » « Less Information

Tongren County,Qinghai Province

Xiangyun Township, Dali, Yunnan Taxi Drivers Strike 0 Unverified

13:11 Feb 12, 2009

From 《云南舆情》内参 (Sina Blog): 今日早八点钟开始,祥云县出租车司机集体罢工,所有车辆集中停靠在龙翔路百货大楼广场上,“负面新闻”采访中得知,此次罢工是针对黑车“转正”。据出租车司机说,祥云县内共有出租车100辆,分属祥云县鑫祥出租汽车公司(75辆)及大理交通运输集团出租汽车公司(25辆),多年来县内有五辆黑车一直以出租车的身份参与营运,去年9月份,司机们找到相关部门,要求取缔黑车,政府部门明确黑车退出营运。今年春运期间黑车却死灰复燃再度公开恢复营运,引发的哥们强烈不满,日前大家找到主管交通副县长李庆元,被告之取缔黑车要开听证会,五辆黑车有望“转正”!... More Information » « Less Information

祥云县 Yunnan China

Taxi Drivers Strike in Huainan, Anhui 0 Unverified

19:21 Feb 05, 2009

From Boxun: (星火通讯社2009年2月11日讯) 安徽省淮南市上千名出租车司机于2月5日发起罢工抗议当局投放新车。罢驶的司机于2月6日重新营运。 据悉,起因是1月16日召开的淮南市第十八次市政府常务会议决定同意《淮南市新增客运出租汽车实施方案》,当局计划半个月内分期投放300辆新出租车,而司机认为当地两千七百多辆出租车的市场已饱和,增加新车将严重影响他们的生计。... More Information » « Less Information

Huainan, Tianjia'an District, Huainan City, Anhui, People's Republic of China

Taxi Drivers Threaten Strike in Zhengzhou, Henan 0 Unverified

19:26 Feb 04, 2009

[Note: By my definition, although a strike does not seem to have ultimately occurred, the threat to strike by at least five cab drivers---sent... More Information » « Less Information

Zhengzhou, Erqi District, Zhengzhou City, Henan, People's Republic of China

Taxi Drivers Strike in Fuping, Shaanxi Province 0 Verified

00:00 Jan 05, 2009

From Huashang Wang via 华商网1月5日报道 不满意政府将经营权有偿使用出让金提高75%,截至昨日,富平百余出租车车主已为此烦恼了两天了。 假期富平“打的”有些难 “这两日打车真是难”,这是近两天来很多富平县城居民的真实体会。... More Information » « Less Information

Fuping County, Shaanxi Province

Chaozhou Taxi Drivers Strike 0 Unverified

10:48 Dec 25, 2008

From The China: GUANGZHOU–Scores of taxi drivers went on strike in Chaozhou, Guangdong province, on Friday following hundreds of others... More Information » « Less Information

Chaozhou China

Taxi Drivers Strike in Meizhou City, Guangdong Province 0 Verified

00:00 Dec 02, 2008

From Yangcheng Wanbao via 本报梅州讯 记者黄蔚山、通讯员汤少雄摄影报道:昨天,梅州市600名的士司机因不满黑车与合法的士司机抢客打架一事,走上街头维权,梅州江南、沙龙、旅游、盛龙等的士公司300多部的士集体停运。事发后,当地政府快速反应。昨天下午,由梅州市政府职能部门、梅州市市政公共事业局牵头的的士司机行业协会已进入实质性酝酿。... More Information » « Less Information

Meizhou City, Guangdong Province

Guangzhou Taxi Strike 0 Verified

10:14 Dec 01, 2008

From IFEX: The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns restrictions placed on media outlets seeking to report a major taxi strike... More Information » « Less Information

Guangzhou, China

Taxi Drivers Strike in Chaozhou 3 Verified

01:48 Nov 28, 2008

From BBC: Taxi drivers have gone on strike in the southern city of Chaozhou, the latest in a wave of protests across China. Drivers say they... More Information » « Less Information

Chaozhou China

Zhouzhi, Shaanxi Taxi Drivers Strike 1 Verified

10:12 Nov 24, 2008

From Reuters: More than 100 taxi drivers in a county in northwest China have gone on strike, demanding local authorities crack down on unlicensed... More Information » « Less Information

Zhouzhi Shaanxi China

Taxi Drivers Protest Beating in Guangzhou 0 Verified

10:04 Nov 24, 2008

From Xinhua: The protest by taxi drivers over the alleged beating of a cabby in China's southern Guangdong Province ended on Monday, as... More Information » « Less Information

Guangzhou Guangdong China

Taxi Drivers Protest in Maoming, Guangdong 0 Verified

18:16 Nov 23, 2008

From Dayang Net: 前天下午4时许,多名出租车司机聚集在广东省茂名市政府办公大院门口,要求加大力度打击一些农村路段打砸出租车的恶势力行为,大力整治“黑车”非法营运问题。事件导致茂名市府门前及周边马路被迫封闭。至昨天中午12时许,仍有几百辆出租车停在路上,当地有关主管部门与出租车司机代表的对话仍在进行中。... More Information » « Less Information

Maoming, Guangdong, People's Republic of China

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