From JTTP and Gongren Wangluo Xuanchuan Dui::
From Baidu:
武汉晨鸣汉阳纸业股份有限公司,是1997年12月份由山东晨鸣纸业集团与湖北省汉阳造纸厂合资组建的一家集制浆、造纸、热电、制水、碱回收、污水处理、机械加工于一体的大型造纸企业。由山东晨鸣纸业集团控股经营,公司为中外合资企业。2010年7月,湖北省环境监察总队证实,武汉晨鸣汉阳纸业股份公司利用监控设施漏洞,夜间偷排未经处理的生产废水。 2012年12月25日,逾千名武汉晨鸣员工因不满长期欠薪、并担忧工厂倒闭,上街讨薪,要求武汉市政府出面解决相关问题。
From China Scope:
The Wuhan subsidiary of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings (1812: HKG; 000488: SHE) was recently embroiled in a labor dispute. On December 25, more than one thousand Wuhan Chenming Hanyang Paper Holdings (Wuhan Chenming) employees organized a public demonstration demanding that the salary payments which have been delayed for some time to be paid in full. The government of Wuhan has also been called in to intervene and resolve the dispute.
According to a number of sources, due to the company’s flailing business performance, more than 2,000 of the company’s employees have not been compensated for their work.
Wuhan Chenming was established on December 10, 1997 with a start-up capital of CNY 211 million. At the time, Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings was listed as its majority shareholder with 50.93 percent ownership. During the first half of this year, the company suffered CNY 63.78 million in net losses, the highest among all subsidiaries of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings.
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