
Wuxi Commercial Building Workers Protest in Wuxi, Jiangsu

18:23 Jun 6 2005 Wuxi, Wuxi City, Jiangsu, People's Republic of China

Wuxi Commercial Building Workers Protest in Wuxi, Jiangsu Wuxi Commercial Building Workers Protest in Wuxi, Jiangsu Wuxi Commercial Building Workers Protest in Wuxi, Jiangsu
From Boxun:

博讯综合网上消息,无锡商业大厦罢工事件已经进入第三天,昨天从上午8点到晚上9:30 大厦职工的维权活动有坚持了13个半小时,期间,除了开三轮的残疾市民送来了100个包子外,依然没见政府及工会的关怀,所有的媒体都没有报道。大厦管理层拒绝对维权职工有一个答复。昨天又有4个女职工因体力不支而去医院输液了,大厦关门后,因担心明天的维权活动遭到相关人员的无理阻止,有三、四十名女职工志愿留下值班,出于对其身体的担心终被众人劝走。但愿在明天的维权活动这些女同志的身体还能撑的住,更愿维权活动一切顺利。

From CLB:

On June 6, 2005, over 400 workers at the Wuxi Commercial Building in Wuxi city, Jiangsu Province went on strike to oppose the company’s restructuring (see the photo below). The restructuring proposal offered 1,850 yuan for each year of employment for employees over 40, and 1,500 yuan for employees under 40. The employees believed that at a time when the building was enjoying good economic productivity, this offer was lower than those of other small SOEs that were not as productive.
Credibility: UP DOWN 0

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