
Fujian Crown Ocean Shipbuilding Workers Protest

12:22 Jan 2 2012 Fuzhou Fujian

Fujian Crown Ocean Shipbuilding Workers Protest Fujian Crown Ocean Shipbuilding Workers Protest
From WSWS:

The unrest has spread to shipyard workers. On January 2, hundreds of workers at China’s seventh largest shipbuilder, Fujian Crown Ocean Shipbuilding Industry, blocked local traffic for hours. Authorities deployed armed police to disperse the protest. Workers took to the streets to demand three months of unpaid wages.


Hundreds of workers at Crown Ocean Shipbuilding in China's Fuzhou City, in Fujian Province, blocked traffic for several hours on Monday. They say the company has not paid them for three months.

[Mr. Wang, Fuzhou Resident]:
“The wages were not paid for a long time. Most of the workers went on strike, it’s already happened several times.”

Authorities dispatched military police to contain the protest. Netizens say minor scuffles broke out.

Crown Ocean Shipbuilding is the largest shipbuilder in coastal Fujian Province. The company’s Vice Board Chairman, Lin Changjie, told NTD on Wednesday that they did owe some pay to workers, just not for three months.

[Lin Changjie, Vice Board Chairman, Crown Ocean Shipbuilding]:
“It’s not three months at all, we do owe some workers about a month of wages. We’ve paid them all today.”

According to Lin, those wages may be the last for some of the workers.

[Lin Changjie, Vice Board Chairman, Crown Ocean Shipbuilding]:
“I told all the teams involved in the protest to not come in to work today. I told them to leave the company once they get their pay.”

The Fuzhou protest is the latest in several labor disputes in China over the past month. Many of the country’s manufacturers are cutting back its workforce or delaying payments because of slowing global demand.

From a government website:

Question: 我是福建冠海造船有限公司的员工,已经多次反映该公司拖欠工资的问题,并且已经在古田路福州市劳动监察支队立案,现在已经转到连江县劳动监察支队已经立案一年了,但是至今没有完全归还员工工资,扣了我的个税却没有及时上交地税局,从去年1月开始都没有为在职员工缴纳医社保,现在拖欠工资时间在5到9个月不等,请市政府尽快介入为我们讨一个说法并投诉相关部门不作为!如今又出新招,取消员工上下班接送,让员工自行解决。这不是逼我们离开吗?望政府出面给予解决。

Answer: 经我局及相关部门督促整改,冠海公司拖欠工人工资问题已在2013年底前基本解决。若你的工资仍未领取,请你持身份证、工作牌、工资核算依据等相关材料到我局劳动保障监察大队或县劳动争议仲裁委员会申诉

Also from a government website:

Question: 福建冠海造船工业有限公司拖欠百名工人职工数月工资未发,还欠了一年的医保社保,7,8,9,10,11,12月份工资一直拖欠,去年2012年还拖欠两个月。现在马上过年了公司还是没有发工资的意向!请求有关部门帮帮我们这百来名工人吧!这年要怎么过啊!再不发工资,很多职工会做出很极端的事的啊!政府帮帮我们吧

Answer: 经调查了解,冠海公司近年来确因经济困难造成部分员工工资被拖欠,目前该企业为解决工人工资等问题,已在进行资产招商重组,我县相关政府部门也在全力督促公司方尽快解决欠薪等问题。公司方已承诺将在2013年12月20日和2014年1月20日左右分两次将拖欠工人的工资补发到位,社保等问题也会给与妥善解决。请你等稍事等候,若公司在承诺时间内仍未补发工资及缴纳社保,请你等持身份证、劳动合同等相关材料到我局劳动保障监察大队投诉,我们将予以帮助解决。监察大队地址:连江县816路展览馆一层。

From a Baidu forum:

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