
Nujiang Transportation Group Strike in Lisu, Yunnan

22:19 Apr 1 2010 nujiang lisu yunnan china

Nujiang Transportation Group Strike in Lisu, Yunnan
From Global Times:

More than 120 long distance bus drivers remained on strike Monday in the Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, Southwest China's Yunnan Province, over proposed workplace regulations.

The drivers and the transportation company, Nujiang Transportation Group, were unable to reach a consensus by Monday.

The drivers started the strike on Thursday and decided to continue due to the poor nature of the talks.

Pan Wenhai, director of the local government publicity office, told the Global Times Monday that 124 drivers struck, affecting 11 intercity routes.

But no major inconvenience was caused to passengers because short distance buses were used along with some from neighboring cities.

"There is basically no stranded passengers," Pan said.

The company recently ordered all bus drivers to sign a new contract effective April 1 as part of a reform.

About 150 drivers work for the company, but none of them have signed the new contract.

Before that, the drivers purchased the buses on their own, and they pay between 2,000 and 3,000 yuan ($292 to $439) a month to the company for legal operation rights. The drivers keep most of the bus fares as income.

Under the reform, the company will buy buses and contract them out to the drivers.

Bus driver Li Xuejun told the Global Times Monday, that the company would purchase the old buses at a lower price. He said drivers would need to pay 160,000 yuan ($23,437) for two years of operation and another 180,000 yuan ($26,367) as a risk deposit. The company would pay a fixed salary to the drivers.

"It's unfair to us. My bus, a second-hand bus I bought last year with 150,000 yuan ($21,972) would only get thousands of yuan if the company reclaim it," Li said.

Pan said some changes have been made through negotiations between the drivers and the company, with the involvement of the local government.

He said the company has raised the bus repurchasing price, and lowered some management charges.

Some drivers also alleged that the transportation company had overcharged them, and demanded refund, the Yunnan Info Daily reported Monday.

The drivers also demanded the company publicize accounts for public inspection, Li Mengxun, the president of the drivers union was quoted by the newspaper as saying Monday.

Shi Qixin, a professor at Tsinghua University, said the new changes are well intended but the governments should play a major role in helping to promote the reform.

"The local governments can allocate a fund to support the reform and put priority on promoting public welfare causes," Shi told the Beijing News.

From Yunnan Net via

本报讯 昨日上午10时20分,由六库发往下关的中巴车驶出客运站。这是罢运以来第一辆复工的中巴。10个小时后,最后一批罢运车辆司机与怒江交运集团公司签署了新合同,至此,为期6天的怒江中巴车罢运事件宣告结束,怒江客运线路逐渐恢复。




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