
GP Battery Workers Protest, Win Judgment Against Police 2 Years Later

01:24 Dec 9 2009 中華人民共和國广东省惠州市惠城区大树岭南街

GP Battery Workers Protest, Win Judgment Against Police 2 Years Later GP Battery Workers Protest, Win Judgment Against Police 2 Years Later GP Battery Workers Protest, Win Judgment Against Police 2 Years Later GP Battery Workers Protest, Win Judgment Against Police 2 Years Later GP Battery Workers Protest, Win Judgment Against Police 2 Years Later GP Battery Workers Protest, Win Judgment Against Police 2 Years Later GP Battery Workers Protest, Win Judgment Against Police 2 Years Later GP Battery Workers Protest, Win Judgment Against Police 2 Years Later GP Battery Workers Protest, Win Judgment Against Police 2 Years Later GP Battery Workers Protest, Win Judgment Against Police 2 Years Later
Wang Fengping Win the final judgment against Huizhou Police

On January 14th , 2011, the Intermediate Court of Huizhou made a judgment to call off the decision made by Huizhou Police, which arrested Wang Fengping, a worker of GP Batteries (超霸电池). Thus Wang Fengping (王凤平) have won a staggered victory against Huizhou Police.

The judgment is listed as follow:

[1]Call off the 12th administrative judgment by Huizhou Court(2010);
[2]Call off the NO.06443 Police Administrative Penalty by Huizhou police;
[3]Repeal the case by Huizhou Police;
[4]Huizhou Police is responsible for all the court acceptance fees of the second trial.

On December 9th, 2009, workers of GP Batteries cursed with cadmium poisoning demonstrated outside the company. Many workers were badly beaten by the Huizhou Police, including Wang's friend Tan Ling. Wang went to take care of her friend and was caught sight by the police.

Later in Dercember the police arrested her for "stirring up the demonstration". Wang and her comrades fought hard for tow years against Huizhou Police. Lawyer Guan Tieliu (管铁流) from NGO Honghuacao (红花草) argued in defense of Wang Fengping in the case. Wang and her comrades have the faith that Chinese working class will fight for their own rights until the final victory.
Translated by HanTang

王凤平告惠州市公安局案终审胜诉 [复制链接]



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