From Shanghai Daily:
HUNDREDS of migrant workers besieged a highway construction firm’s office in central China’s Hubei Province, demanding 200 million yuan (US$32 million) in unpaid wages.
The Wujing Highway Development Co Ltd, developer of the Wujing Highway, has debts of 600 million yuan – including unpaid wages dating back to 2009, the Economic Information Daily reported yesterday.
Frustrated migrant workers blockaded its office in Zhong-xiang City earlier this month in a bid to get their money.
But a company official said no payments would be made.
Tan Bing, a 43-year-old migrant worker with a family of six to support, said he visited the developer dozens of times but had failed to get a penny.
“I’ve come here so often that I’m sure the stone lion statues in front of the building recognize me,” said Tan. “I daren’t make a phone call home because I didn’t get the 20,000 yuan I’m owed.”
Another construction worker Yang Shangping, who says he is owed 34,000 yuan, had to sell his blood last autumn to raise cash, after his wife was hospitalized, the report said.
Yet despite Wujing Highway Development’s financial difficulties, officials appear to be enjoying a lavish lifestyle, reported the newspaper.
“The company rents high-end office, its officials drive BMWs and they are developing projects in other regions,” a worker told the newspaper.
Qi Yusheng, a deputy general manager with the company, said it wouldn’t be able to pay workers, even after the Chinese New Year.
From Xinhua:
武荆高速被列为湖北省招商引资重点建设项目,全长185公里,是沪蓉国道主干线的一段。武荆高速是国家实行投资体制改革后,由国家发改委核准的首家B O T高速公路项目。武荆高速公路的业主方为武荆高速公司,特大型房地产企业利嘉集团为武荆高速公司的控股股东。2006年9月,该项目开工建设。2010年5月,武荆高速正式全线通车投入运营。
2009年2月,武荆高速公司与钟祥市人民政府签订“武荆高速钟祥连接线工程委托建设协议书”,以1 .6亿元(含征地拆迁费)包干总价将武荆高速钟祥连接线委托钟祥市建设。2009年4月,经公开招投标,钟祥连接线路基一、二合同段,路面一、二合同段分别由钟祥通达路桥工程有限公司、宜昌通衢路桥建设有限公司、湖北经天路桥建设有限公司、荆门九衢路桥工程有限公司中标承建。
至2010年5月,该项目主体工程基本完工,并实现与主线同步通车。2010年10月,经湖北省交通运输厅质监局及武荆高速公司共同验收,工程全面完工。工程结算价款1 .6亿元,加上2009年11月经双方协商同意追加的柴湖互通被交道工程275万元,工程最终结算总价为1.6275亿元。
尽管已经竣工验收一年多,但截至目前,武荆高速公司共支付钟祥连接线工程款8567 .39万元,尚欠工程款7707 .61万元。据钟祥市政府统计,这些欠款中农民工工资约3000万元,涉及农民工700多人。
钟祥连接线工程仅仅是武荆高速众多被拖欠工程款的一部分。记者了解到,在武荆高速公司坐等工资的农民工大多来自泉源物流公司和旺林市政公司中标的路段。据现场负责人介绍,武荆高速公司尚欠这两家公司总计约600万元工程款 , 其 中 很 大 一 部 分 为 农 民 工 工资。
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